Course Rules

Our nine simple rules to stick by

1. No more than 4 people in a group on any one hole.

2. Each hole must be played in sequential order (1-9).

3. When putting do not swing putter higher than knee height.

4. Crazy golf is a game of putting and all players should refrain from hitting the ball excessively hard, thereby causing a hazard to themselves and to others.

5. A one metre distance must be maintained between players during putting.

6. Do not walk on the hole obstacles or the hole borders.

7. There is a 6 shot limit per hole. Once you get to 6 shots, please move onto the next hole.

8. If your ball goes off the course, replace the ball where it went off and add an one stroke penalty (+1). If your ball ends up against an edge or obstacle it may be moved one club head length away from the edge.

9. Putter Madness reserves the right to remove clubs and balls from any player behaving unacceptably and request that they leave the site.

Other things to remember

Children Supervision

Children are always the responsibility of the adults who accompany them.

Damage, Loss & Injury

Putter Madness do not accept liability due to damage, loss or injury whist playing the portable crazy golf course. You play at your own risk, and by playing the course you agree to and accept the Putter Madness crazy golf rules.

Get in touch

Thinking of using Putter Madness at your next event?
Then get touch with us by emailing us at


Alternatively, contact us via our contact form: